The second round of BiH SuTra consultation events kicks off: Municipality of Breza hosts the first event

The second round of BiH SuTra consultation events kicks off: Municipality of Breza hosts the first event The second round of BiH SuTra consultation events kicks off. Photo: Foto Moca studio.

Yesterday marked the beginning of the second round of consultation events within the BiH SuTra programme, with the municipality of Breza hosting the first event. This event, following the previous vision-defining and first consultation meetings, was the third such event in Breza, aimed at engaging a broader group of stakeholders.

During the event, BiH SuTra experts presented draft goals and aspirations for 2050, along with measures and activities for each functional area within the development pathways of transition plans. These areas include decarbonization (energy, climate, and sustainable transport), circular economy, pollution reduction, sustainable agriculture, and nature protection and biodiversity.

The second consultation event focused on the current situation in each development pathway and provided a detailed overview of short-term activities to be included in the Operational Plan for the sustainable transition vision for 2025-2027.

Short-term activities presented for the period until 2027

Eldar Bičo, a team member for the nature protection and biodiversity development pathway of the BiH SuTra programme, highlighted the issue of missing data needed for a detailed analysis of biological diversity in Breza and outlined short-term activities for nature and biodiversity protection measures.

Eldar Bičo, a team member for the nature protection and biodiversity development pathway of the BiH SuTra programme. Photo: Foto Moca studio.

"Four short-term activities have been identified for Breza: creating a land rehabilitation plan, conducting a study of ecosystem services, compiling a cadastre of invasive species, and developing an action plan to combat invasive species. The Municipality of Breza will implement all activities," said Bičo. He added, "The implementation of short-term measures lasts up to two years. For nature protection and biodiversity development activities, preparing all studies and plans is estimated to take up to one year. We saw an crucial need to involve Breza Municipality representatives and other interested parties, including local NGOs, various institutions, and nature protection experts."

Circular economy: An opportunity to create new jobs

One of the development pathways in Breza's Transition plan is circular economy. Although a newer concept in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Europe, the European Union (EU) has established basic structures, including strategies, planning documents, and pilot projects for industry transition.

"Unfortunately, similar practices are limited in BiH. Individual companies have made progress, but there is still a lack of planning strategies at the entity or local level. BiH has not yet adopted a circular economy roadmap. BiH SuTra aims to lay the foundations in certain municipalities to lead the local transition”, said Hamdija Mujezin, a team member for the circular economy development pathway.

Hamdija Mujezin, a team member for the circular economy development pathway. Photo: Foto Moca studio.

The EU is moving towards taxation on CO2 emissions, making the linear economy model obsolete. This shift offers new opportunities for the BiH economy, including new occupations and jobs. "Breza Municipality, along with the Zenica-Doboj Canton and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has started prioritizing exports. The economy is export-oriented and needs to adapt to current norms, creating a demand for low-carbon products and skilled workers," explained Mujezin.

Sustainable agriculture: Key to bringing young people back to rural areas

Sustainable agriculture aims to meet current needs for food and other agricultural products while preserving the ecosystem and not compromising future generations' ability to meet their own needs. This development pathway of BiH SuTra encompasses a wide range of practices and principles distilled into three main pillars: ecological sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability.

As explained in this video by Doc. Dr. Sabrija Čadro from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food at the University of Sarajevo, and an expert in sustainable agriculture, this approach of sustainable farming practices significantly contributes to the return of young people to the municipality of Breza and other rural areas. "The essence and goal of sustainable agriculture is, above all, to keep young people in rural areas rather than moving to cities. We believe that sustainable agriculture can help achieve this, especially since a municipality like Breza has great potential for agricultural development," said Čadro.

Next steps

By 1 July, representatives of Breza Municipality will submit comments on the presented short-term activities for each development pathway, contributing to the final transition plan document.

The transition plan for all four local self-government units (Banovići, Breza, Živinice, and Ugljevik) is a comprehensive and participative document oriented towards a vision with ambitious but feasible long-term (until 2050), medium-term (until 2035), and short-term (3-year) goals and measures for a more sustainable society and improved environmental and living conditions in the coal-rich regions of BiH.

Following Breza, the second round of consultation meetings will be held in other programme pilot areas: Banovići (19 June 2024), Živinice (20 June 2024), and Ugljevik (21 June 2024).

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