Enabling a sustainable transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a first meeting

Enabling a sustainable transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a first meeting First meeting with project team, the members of working groups from the LSGUs, and experts.

At the very end of January the BiH SuTra programme team organised an important meeting in Sarajevo. It marked the start of developing an operational plan for the sustainable transition of the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs), i.e. the three municipalities Breza, Banoviće, Ugljevik and the town Živinice.

The main goal of this gathering was to facilitate an introduction among the project team, the nominated members of working groups from the LSGUs, and recently recruited experts across the five transition paths. This initial meet-up aimed to foster mutual understanding of the process and preliminary deadlines.

The meeting, led by Mr. Sanjin Avdić, senior programme coordinator for BiH SuTra, emphasized the project's structure and goals, highlighting the importance of integrating existing measures into comprehensive Transition Plans. Discussions revolved around defining measures, ensuring economic feasibility, and enhancing collaboration among experts to support the implementation of the Transition Plan effectively.

Mr. Avdić said: “We are happy to see how much the municipalities and cities, which are partnering with SEI on this project, are motivated and contributing to our tasks and main goal for this year – to develop a forward looking, ambitious but realistic transitional plan for up to 2050. The aspiration is that this plan will enable economic growth, better infrastructure and reduce brain-drain and human capital from the coal region and the country. We hope that by the end of summer the transitional plans will be ready for adoption for the four municipalities and cities.”

This meeting marks a pivotal step towards achieving a sustainable transition, focusing on collaboration, understanding, and strategic planning to meet the project's ambitious goals by the end of 2025.

What are the five transition paths?

The team will prepare a transitional pathway, that outline one or more “paths” that the municipality or city can take to get from ‘Point A’ (the current states of things) to ‘Point B’ (a desired future state - vision). Pathways help 1) outline what needs to be considered, and what will matter 2) understand whether a given idea or concept can get us from A to B and 3) identifying what barriers or factors need to be considered or addressed when opting to pursue a particular goal.

The five transitional pathways are aligned with the 5 pillars in the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans; decarbonization, circular economy, pollution prevention, sustainable agriculture, and protection of nature and biological diversity.

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