Community voices: “Vision 2050” and Municipality of Banovići's sustainable future

Community voices: “Vision 2050” and Municipality of Banovići's sustainable future Visioning event in Breza. Photo: BiH SuTra.

After the Municipalities of Breza and Ugljevik and the City of Živinice, the "Vision 2050" forum was held in the fourth pilot local community of the programme "Sustainable Transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH SuTra)" - the Municipality of Banovići.

The forum garnered significant interest and attendance, providing an opportunity for interested parties and citizens alike. Everyone could actively participate to share their vision for the future of the Municipality of Banovići until 2050, where no one is left behind.

Municipality of Banovići heavily relies on coal mining, making it particularly vulnerable to the challenges brought by the energy transition. Recognizing these challenges, the municipality has taken proactive steps by seeking support from international institutions. The main message emphasized during this cooperation is that life continues even after the end of coal mining. A just transition requires a strategic commitment and clear plans to utilize funds allocated specifically for this purpose.

The event was inaugurated by Bego Gutić, the Mayor of the Municipality of Banovići. Mr. Gutić highlighted that the Municipality of Banovići, in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina, participates in the "BiH SuTra" programme, consisting of two phases. “The first phase focuses on education, while the second phase involves collaborative efforts with SEI to develop project documentation for two proposed initiatives. The primary project aims at improving water supply through the construction of a primary water supply network in the Municipality of Banovići. The second project involves transforming the heating system in Banovići, a joint effort with SEI," said Mr. Gutić.

Bego Gutić, Mayor of Banovići Municipality. Photo: BiH Sutra.

Gutić also emphasized that the "Vision 2050" forum served as an educational platform, raising citizens' awareness about energy policy trends defined by the European Union, such as decarbonization and the implementation of the Green Agenda. The forum facilitated pragmatic dialogues, enabling participants, including representatives from governmental and non-governmental sectors, to identify the priority issues faced by the Municipality of Banovići. Through active engagement and participatory exercises, the community's hope for a better future was evident.

The participants of the forum placed special emphasis on the tourist potential of the Municipality of Banovići.

"Everyone would like Bosnia and Herzegovina to be the best, where we all live beautifully and enjoy its benefits, including people with disabilities. Personally, I see the future of Banovići in tourism. I believe the Municipality of Banovići is ready to transition from a mining area to a completely green tourist destination," said Hajro Bečić, president of the Banovići Disabled Shooting Club."

The "Vision to 2050" initiative marks the first programme activity following the official launch of the "BiH SuTra" programme and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 2023 in Sarajevo. This programme component unites representatives from four local self-government units, including Banovići, Breza, Ugljevik, and Živinice, along with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Embassy of Sweden in BiH (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Sida).

Municipality of Banovići has established an online survey, to ensure active citizen participation. This digital platform enables those unable to attend the forum to contribute their suggestions, ensuring that the community's collective strength and experience shape its future.

Proposals and comments gathered from both the forum and the online survey will be integrated into the comprehensive document "Vision 2050." This dynamic document, will form the basis of the Municipality of Banovići's Transition Plan, set for adoption in late summer 2024. The plan will define concrete measures, activities, and funding sources for proposed initiatives, supported by the "BiH SuTra" programme during the subsequent eighteen months.

The "Vision 2050" forum, hosted by the Municipality of Banovići, concludes the series of forums held in pilot local communities within the "BiH SuTra" programme.

More about the BiH SuTra programme

BiH SuTra encourages a local, bottom-up approach to create transition plans and implement comprehensive transition policies in coal regions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The overarching goal is to support BiH's just transition to a decarbonized and environmentally sustainable future, aligning with other development priorities. BiH SuTra will empower stakeholders to identify and implement emission-reduction strategies, promote innovative technologies and behaviours, and develop ambitious yet attainable policies.

Banovići, Breza, Ugljevik and Živinice, four local self-government units are pilot areas in the programme, with a total population of approximately 105 000 residents. These units will serve as an inspiration and model for other coal regions in BiH.

The programme is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in BiH (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Sida) and implemented by the globally renowned environmental think tank, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

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