Visioning event in Ugljevik

Hotel Atlas Trg đenerala Draže Mihailovića 11, Ugljevik 76330
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Visioning event in Ugljevik Photo: Steven Kamenar on Unsplash

Ugljevik in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the second municipality to organize a visioning event for its citizens and stakeholders working in the municipality. In short, the vision, named “Vision 2050”, will answer the question:

”Where do we want to be and how do we want to live in the future?”

It will reflect the aspiration to create a recognizable, developed and innovative local community that will provide citizens with a prosperous environment, sustainable development, protected environment, equality and progress, and continuously strive towards a just future.

In addition to developing this vision, the municipality has also sent out a survey to inform the vision. When the vision is drafted it will be added to the website of Ugljevik municipality for public comments, before being finalized.

The main goal of this project is to contribute to the sustainable transition of BiH, which will be achieved through the development and implementation of effective measures and regulations for local transition, contributing to better living conditions for citizens in the four partner municipalities/towns.

The vision is a first step to reach this goal. It will be the foundation for these local communities to develop measures and actions that will be included in a transition plan, to be finalized in September 2024.